Wednesday, October 1, 2008 bff  8 a bug!!!   omg wtf!!

you have just witnessed above not a kindergarten alphabet class but the communication of young adults in this day and age.  in the modern technological era of the cell phone--no the iphone, texting instant messaging, and internet it seems that personal communication is becoming antiquated and these aforementioned substitutes are taking its place.  this is a shame. and thats why i have titled this blog as i have.
almost all important happenings throughout the span of human life include communication. (at least the parts that have to do with the people around us, which is usually a pretty big chunk)
communicating well to others is a skill that is  definitely lacking more and more among young people today.  this is tragic.  first, thanks to alexander graham bell it became, "well ill call instead of going over to jimmies to ask him this question". Now, it has further evolved to "ill just text jimmy instead of calling him."  As communication becomes more and more impersonal, more problems arise and relationships are weakened.  i cant name the huge number of times ive become distraught over a misunderstood text message. and the whole situation would have been avoided if only the person had called me.  texting has become a cop out and a thing of convenience.  that is why someone actually showing up to ask in person shows an authentic amount of interest.  
idk- see there i go...haha
 anyway, i just wish people would learn to communicate.  its the backbone to every relationship that you will ever have, and it is respected by others.  i would argue that it is necessary for success.  just cus everyone else takes the easy road doesnt mean that you have to as well.
 those are just a few thoughts but its all for now.

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