Saturday, November 28, 2009

Some body else is thankful....

Driving to the airport....there was a green light but everyone was slowing down and i was like why???
Come to find out a clan of 20 or so wild turkeys were jus chillin in the road and off to the side! my car was definitely 1 inch away from one of them and he/she didnt budge!!
As i continued to drive i had to ask myself what the hell are these turkeys doing in the middle town? and where is this new found boldness coming from?
Then it hit me!!
They are out and about and jubilant and bold as ever because they made it through another year!!! its two days after thanksgiving and apparently they cant hold back their excitement any longer.
But im sayin you guys are dumb cus i know there are people like me and i dont get tired of turkey until after christmas...
So if any of you turkeys are cruisin the web...SAVE THE CELEBRATION! Dont pop bottles yet...wait about a month. im just sayin. Look out for your own.
d weazy

What is a Whammy? What is a remora? DEFINE!!!

Thanksgiving 2009 was good.
My two brothers were there, my two sisters were there, one with her husband and carrying their child inside her, and the other with her husband to be.
My parents, my aunt and uncle, my three beautiful cousins and their brother michael, (mike you are beautiful too, just not in the same way).
My Grandfather.
My sisters parents in law.
18 in all.

We ate well.
Had the traditional intense wiffle ball game...and witnessed necessity leading to technological innovation. As light fled the scene during the game, we whipped out glow-in-the-dark wiffle balls.
Enough said.

We played the Dictionary Game where you find a ridiculous word in the dictionary, and then teams make up believable definitions (two of the words used are in this blog title), then every team has to choose from the pile what they believe is the correct definition. Without explaining all the details any further i will just say its very fun and OF COURSE gets competitive.
My team started off slow BUT finished strong to get second place.


More important then anything that we did or said on thursday, is the fact that we were all together and we all knew who to thank for that incredible gift. And that is mainly why i am thankful this thanksgiving.
And BTW get this "Turkey day" crap outta town yo! Pull out your early american history books, dust it off, crack it open and have a read. You will see why the day is called thanksgiving and why it always should be.

Ummm, ya just so you people dont incriminate me for saying im only thankful for 1 thing (which i didnt really say), here are a FEW other things that i am thankful for this season:
-some very special people in my life lately and the positive influence that they have had on me
-for making it through another year of football relatively unscathed.
-my roomie B-Rizzock and the relationship we have (no homo).
-that my birthmom and her husband could come out all the way from florida for a game.
-for a loving, faithful, and stable family; in this i am truly blessed twofold and beyond measure.

Those are a few things. I Aint no preacher, but i aint no sucka either, so for those of you that read this, take a minute to think about what you have to be thankful for, i guarantee there is something. Let thinking about it put a smile on your face. Better not let me see you with a scowl or something negative on your face! really not a funny person at all im realizing.
probably you laugh at me not with me....yep.

Anyway, im trying to write on here more because SOme people are pressuring me to do so.
Ill be back, untill then- BE Thankful!
d weazy

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Birthday Post

I am very blessed.
20 be honest it seems like soo many the past 2 years i feel like 10 have gone by....maybe just the gravity of events that have transpired..."grown-up"events.

Anyway its 10:50 in the AM on my birthday (November 17th 2009) and already some crazy shit has occured (obviously crazy enough that i felt the urge to write it down while still fresh in my mind).

Every tuesday i drive to Florin Highschool in Sacramento to do mentorship and workshops with the students. Today was the same. I left at about 9:50 AM. Got on the I-80 toward sac and immediately noticed that there was almost nobody on the stretch of road i was on...which is weird cus its a busy freeway. Anyway, i had my music playin, feelin pretty good, jumped into the fastlane goin about 80. There is a white honda in front of me going the same speed...cruisin. About 5 min go by and i see a white car pullin up behind me. Cop. he pulls up on my right and mouths to me to follow him then he pulls ahead and gets between me and the white honda and throws on his lights and signals the honda off the road also. At this point im thinking, "WTF!" and "really? on my birthday?" at the same time. so we are all pulled off the freeway; white honda, cop, me. He comes over...usual crap..."i pulled you over because of your speed....blah..blah..where you headed....blah...license and reg...."
Now i dont curse much...but at this point as he walks back to the patrol car with my license and my insurance my mind im thinking "fuuuuccck". couldnt you just have mercy on a guy on his birthday? A double pullover? WTF! never heard of that EVER.
then its the approx 10 min period when im just sitting in the car waiting..trying to figure out how im going to deal with this...and im late to work. random seeing the "now hiring" bumper sticker on the cop car and wondering if anybody had ever been pulled over...saw the sticker, called the number...and became a cop.
Finally the offficer talks to the white honda...then walks over to my car.
"i was about halfway thru filling out ur ticket when i realized its your birthday sorry"
(me) "yep, its my birthday"
(cop) mmmm...well i cant throw it out cus it was already registered when i realized...(thinking) have you done traffic school before?
(me) yes about a year and a half ago.
(cop) perfect you can do traffic school on line cus i put u at a lower speed.
(me in my head) grrreeeeeaat.
(cop notices my football sweats) how long you been playing for UCD?
(me) two years
(cop,) gets excited) well i played for the ags too! b-b-back in the early i feel reall bad now since its your b-b-birthday and we are both aggies
awkward pause
(talking about football, small talk, me trying to be as nice as possible as i see a possible miracle about to unfold)
(cop) listen, i really feel bad about the ticket, so hypothetically if you challenge it in court and i dont show up or i cant recollect the incident, the ticket will be dismissed...wink wink
(miracle in progress)
(me) i understand you perfectly officer
(cop) oh shit this is causeway classic week too!
(me) yessir\
(c0p) go kick their ass, i fuckin hate those guys
(me) will do
pretty much end of story...what are the chances:
1 that i get pulled over by the CHP on my birthday
2 that it is a double pullover(which btw i asked him how often they do that and he said rarely)
3 that the cop is a aggie football alum
4 that he noticed that i play football
5that he mentions a loophole
6 that he has a stutter
7 that he was on the last aggie fball team to win an outright conference championship in '92
8 he is coming to the game on saturday.
crazy birthday already and its only the 11th hour.
d weazy