Thursday, May 28, 2009

LIFE... "im jus sayin"...

i apologize for the long absence...i wont make excuses except for one- life happens-and thats not even an excuse, its just a reminder.

Umm this is another random thoughts post under the big heading of life so bear with it.

As i continue to live life everyday, to breath, lay down and close my eyes while continuing to breath, and later on open my eyes and breath some more, i have begun to categorize people.
[dont try this at home] but yes i have come to a simple realization that people can be separated into two different camps.
Those that know how to communicate correctly, and those that do not know how to communicate correctly.
Almost every success and every problem in life can be traced back to communication.
I use the term correct communication because we all can communicate. Babies cry to communicate, even animals communicate, but knowing the correct communication given the situation is the issue.
As children, struggles with proper communication that are linked to lack of training by parents are often passed off as a disorder like autism or aspergers. Its when this child comes into adulthood that the problem becomes very visible. The child that never was taught to address issues when offended but instead internalized the problem, now, as an adult, is hurting themselves and people around them over and over again. Turning simple matters into matters of life and death. And what seems like common sense to some, is another's greatest fear. If jill has beef with jack, many would say that the obvious first course of action would be for jill to approach jack on the matter. But in this communication dichotomy, the other side of the spectrum has jill talking to joe and jane about her beef with jack. But im getting too complicated...
Lets widen the lense and just talk about basic interpersonal communication rhetoric. Respect, awareness, patience, listening, acknowledgment...these are some of the terms that come to my mind when i think about communicating with another person. I fear that today, more and more those words are being replaced by hidden agenda, self, only listen to what benefits you, one word answer, self, arrogance, offensive, self, self...notice the trend. Without the branches the tree will wither and die. The eye cannot survive on its own, it cannot say to the rest of the body, "im just gonna do me now, but its been nice". Society is becoming introverted, people don't really need to communicate because everything is electronic and extrememly de-personalized and you only will communicate with someone or something if you have a vested interest in that person or thing. Since these days we show "care and interest" by joining the"cause" on facebook, or donating our worn out shoes to kids in africa, all we have to do is "communicate" with the lcd screen in 12 inches in front of our face.
So the demise of most personal of actions- correct communication- has impact on the global level. Why? Because when the smoke clears, we are all just humans, with many different languages but the same beating heart.
I wish it was an easy task to break down this dichotomy of communication...all we can do is help each communicating.
So talk to someone today, and be real, tell them what you really think and odds are they might appreciate you for it...albeit you might get a black eye too but lets be real, i would rather know what you really think then some facade.
Dweazaay yung money back on the track.

Friday, May 15, 2009

I havent been inspired till now...

I finally got to see Corinn and now the words are overflowing. Joy peace contentment exhilaration i .just cant describe it with simple words. Wow. I cant beleive this is happening AGAIN.... I got to see her twice in one year. Boy am I lucky. Blessed is more like it. Because often times curses are blessings in disguise....I was born cursed with mediocre looks and skinny legs and I was blessed with the AWESOMENESS that is known as Corinn A. Elmore. Everything about her is sooo intriguing and even though i am often left at a loss for words, i know that in the end she will help me to understand my life in the big scheme of things. For someone who doesnt know shit, I know that she is the shit. Thanks for listening. I wish you the same experience that I am having. Deuces.

